Red hair was created thousands of years ago by a genetic mutation in the Nordic people. Currently, people born with red hair make up less than 2% of the global population. If you are not one of these 2%, don't be discouraged. Red human hair bundles will help you fulfill your dreams.
Do You Know the Legend of The Red Hair?
Long long time ago, there lived a mysterious race on the island of Ireland - the Danans. They were tall and powerful, with red hair and blue eyes. They could speak ancient languages, and possess strong magical knowledge. The Danans claim to be from the island of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean.
Around the 6th century BC, during the golden age of ancient times, a storm brought an Atlantis prince to the coast of Ireland. The local witch Ebby fell in love with this handsome prince and used magic to keep him in Ireland. The prince brought a bull, a seed, and a talisman of love for God.
This divine cow became a national treasure of Ireland later and it was revered as a sacred animal. After the seeds were cultivated, they produced the radish that Irish people still love the most. As for the talisman of the god of love, it made the prince fall in love with Ebby and give birth to a red-haired offspring.
Why Is Red Hair So Rare?
Scientifically speaking, red hair comes from a genetic mutation in the Nordic people thousands of years ago. The mutation is called MC1R gene mutation. Everyone has the MC1R gene, but red-haired individuals have a mutation in the MC1R gene in their bodies. This mutation causes less melanin deposition and more brown melanin deposition in the skin, resulting in red hair and lighter skin color.
The MC1R gene mutation has an advantage for people living in areas with less sunlight. Light skin tone makes it much easier for sunlight to penetrate the skin. It will stimulate the synthesis of vitamin D and help prevent rickets.
However, because of the globalization’s development, the geographical selectivity of mate selection has been expanded. It reduces the chances of red-haired people meeting each other. Therefore, it is rare for "red haired boys" or "red haired beauties" to be born among the descendants of the red-haired.
How To Have Dazzling Red Hair?
From a genetic perspective, how can a baby with red hair be born? Most people born with red hair carry two variants of the MC1R gene. Each variant comes from each parent. Therefore, two people born with red hair can give birth to a red-hair baby. If one spouse is born with red hair, while the other spouse is not, the baby will only carry one mutated MC1R gene. So, this baby usually has light skin and brown hair.
However, the mutated MC1R gene can be recessive sometimes. Some people may not have red hair, but they carry the mutated MC1R gene. At this point, if both parents are not red haired, but each has a mutated gene, the chance of giving birth to a red hair baby is 25%. If one spouse has red hair and the other spouse carries a mutated gene, the chance of giving birth to a red hair baby is 50%.
Therefore, ff people with light yellow hair and want to have a red hair baby, they should move to Scotland. Because Scotland has the largest proportion of red-haired people in the world. It is estimated that 40% of Scots carry the red-haired gene, while 13% of Scots have dazzling red hair.
However, if you don't want to go to so much trouble and just want to have it right away, you can choose the red human hair bundles from Luwelhair.
Which Hair Color Best Complements a Person's Fair Skin?
There are so many hair colors and which one can best complement a person's fair skin? The answer is red and red human hair bundles have following types.
-True Red: Bright and vibrant true red is eye-catching, giving people a feeling of vitality and confidence. This hair color is suitable for people with fair skin tones, and it will appear even whiter when dyed.
-Wine Red: Wine red is a dark red color with some purple tones, giving people a noble and elegant feeling. This hair color is suitable for all skin tones, especially for people with yellowish or dull skin tones. It can brighten the complexion.
-Rose Red: Rose red is a red color with a pink tone, giving people a gentle and romantic feeling. This hair color is suitable for all skin tones, especially for people with fair skin, and can make the skin look healthier and more vibrant.
After reading this article, you must have a clear picture of the red hair’s legend, its rarity, and its preciousness. Luwelhair will help you be a red-haired princess with red human hair bundles. You can use them to make any hairstyle you want.